Friday, September 4, 2015
Sources Of Business Capital (1)
frustrating. To get your business off the ground, you need a start-up
capital. There are ways to finance your business.
In an article titled: "14 feasible sources of capital for your
business" by Ola Emmanuel which was published on October 9, 2013 in
The Punch Newspaper,the writer discussed 14 ways to raise cash for
He made mention of networking groups. He said "Networking groups may
include financing of members' businesses in their activities. Where
this is the case, members can approach such a group to raise money for
According to Ola, Entrepreneurs can get cash through GIP i.e
Guaranteed interest payment,which is based on the agreement to pay
certain percentage as interest per annum. He continued "There are some
individuals who provide capital for businesses on agreement to pay
guaranteed percentage as interest per annum. These fund providers are
not interested in becoming shareholders but their money must be
returned after using it for a number of years with interests payable
every year."
Friends can help if you approach them,it's called Financing through
acquaintance. He put it this way "Some friends do have idle funds
which they are not readily in need of. This is a good fund you can be
allowed to use temporarily and return in good time."
Don't let start-up capital draw you back. Take a step today.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Why You Need A Mentor-mentee Relationship
fast track your learning and reduce trial and error method.
Lack of experience can ruin it for you when you are just starting out
but you can limit your mistakes by finding a mentor.
The Cambridge Online Dictionary defines a mentor as "a person who
gives a younger or less experienced person help and advice over a
period of time,especially at work or school." , expands on that and put it this way "In today's
competitive landscape a mentoring relationship can give you an edge
that differentiates you from your peers and/or your competition."
A mentor is often in a position you are aspiring to attain and has
influence and connections that can help you advance your career.
What Your Mentor Can Do For You.
Katharine Hansen, Ph.D, talks about what mentors can
do "Your mentor can help you assess your strengths and weaknesses, as
well as help you develop skills for success and a long-range career
plan. If you and your mentor share the same employer, your mentor can
foster your sense of belonging within the organization, help you
navigate the company culture and politics, as well as let you know who
the organization's key players are. You can also work through career
and workplace problems with your mentor's assistance. A mentor can
provide a fresh perspective -- a new way of looking at a problem or
issue. You can bounce ideas off your mentor. Ideally, your mentor will
motivate you to do your best work."
How To Find A Mentor
Richard Branson,said in his article -- Richard Branson's Guide to
Finding a Mentor-- on that
"You have to do some research. Try going to industry events like
lunches, seminars, talks and conferences. Join community groups --
your local chamber of commerce is a great place to start. Chambers of
commerce often host networking events and meetings that bring
beginning entrepreneurs and successful business people together. Talk
to people, listen to their stories and pursue further meetings with
those whom you can learn from. Another great place to find a potential
mentor's name is online. Look for sector-- or industry-specific events
and groups on Facebook; subscribe to useful newsletters; follow
interesting or relevant individuals from your region on Twitter or
LinkedIn; then get in touch and ask questions."
So launch out, find the right mentor,search for people who are
interested in your career. J Loren Norris said "If you cannot see
where you are going ask someone who has been there before." Thank you.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
How To Be A Sought-After Professional
A brand is anything that distinguish one thing from another. Personal branding is all about self-packaging,how you promote yourself. It's about marketing your personalities as products. It's about how you market your career as brands. It is the impression you make on others,employers. Self packaging makes your brand to be known and sought after by employers.
» leads to a better Job.
» gives visibility and credibility.
» leads to better contacts and connections.
Social media is virtual but it affects real world and it can land you, your dream job. Connect with influencer's. Have updated profile on professional site like LinkedIn. Sign up on Facebook and Twitter.
My Friend don't be another face in the crowd. Standout from the competition.
Au revoir!!!
Saturday, August 29, 2015
It's Not About Where You Start..
Whether its a Living room,Dorm room, Basement,Kitchen,Library,Garage,Backyard. Start something positive to meet the needs of your community and don't give up. You can start your business ventures anywhere. Every business has humble beginnings.
What you need as a young entrepreneur is Passion,Courage,Confidence, and Unstoppable Persistence. Don't wait for suitable office locations before you start your dream business. Everything is about you not conventional locations. Every business started small and grew with time.
Lady Kehinde Kamson,is one of the pioneers in the fast food sector and an outstanding female business leader in Nigeria. She is the CEO of Sweet Sensation Confectionery Limited - one of the strongest brand in fast food industry in Nigeria. She started her business from a backyard shed and a tiny converted security house. Today she is credited with changing competitive outlook of the quick service restaurant in Nigeria.
Jeff Bezos founded in 1994 as an online bookstore. It was ran out of his garage in Bellevue,Washington at the time. Today Amazon is the world largest online retailer.
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak hand-built 50 computers in 30 days from a garage in Cupertino. Today,Apple is one of the most valuable tech companies in the world.
Larry Page and Sergey Brin started" Google" from Susan Wojcicki's garage in September 1998. Now Google is the most trafficked site in the world.
Its about how you end up not about where you start.
Look beyond now, aim higher and farther. Its not about the location,its about YOU.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Entrepreneurship Is Vital In Tackling Unemployment In Nigeria
"Entrepreneurship as option for Nigerian graduates" Published on THENATIONONLINENG , 22 Aug. 2015: n.pag. TheNationonlineng NOW. Web. 25 Aug. 2015.
"Nigerian graduates are trained to be job seekers in their various academic pursuits. This is the reason why lots of graduates, upon graduating from their various institutions, embark on job hunt without second thoughts. Yes, it is good to finally become independent, after all, our parents have done their part by training us to university level. At this point, we have to face the harsh reality: there are a lot of graduates but a little available job offers.
Thank God that we have a new government which knows the plight of young Nigerians, and which is willing to listen to options, suggestions and advice from the public. The unfortunate thing is the reality that our youths graduate in geometric progression but the available job opportunities is in arithmetic progression. Lots of individuals are laying complaints about youths wasting away, without proffering solutions to these predicaments. Thank God for successful entrepreneurs like Tony Elumelu, who through his foundation, is looking at training a lot of youth to be self-sufficient through their focused entrepreneurship programs. Other NGOs like the Posh9ja Youth Initiative, also have embarked on the gospel of entrepreneurship through mentoring and vocational training/ skill aquisition. Instead of growing interest in this, lots of our youths have become up and coming artistes, looking for talents that aren't there.I do not ascribe blames to them because
they have to survive. In the journey of survival, some venture into internet fraud; others ditch their degree for menial jobs like okada riding, bus conductors/drivers, cobblers, corporate begging, e.t.c, all in a bid to make ends meet.
As the clamour for entrepreneurship grows, the government should think it wise to bat the eyelid in this direction. Prof Pat Utomi, in one of his lectures at the Centre for Values and Leadership, explains entrepreneurs as individuals who see a problem and take punitive measures to create solution to these problems while entrepreneurship is the process of starting up a business or an organization. The entrepreneur is solely responsible for its conceptualization as well as its success or failure.The problem about our youth today is that they all aren't ready to labour, they just want to start the business today and make profit immediately. We are all conversant with the stories of Alhaji Aliko Dangote, who spent over 30 years in business before becoming the richest man in Africa. Also, Chief Mike Adenuga worked as a taxi driver in the USA before finding his foot in business. Nigerian youths just believe it is a day's job of training, and money starts
to spin by the next day.
Entrepreneurship takes patience, grooming, under-studying, perseverance, finance and lots of encouragement. Business men who venture into this without the needed tools end up closing shop when the challenges gets too enormous. The big question now arises: how can one become an entrepreneur? What does it take?
The first step is the dream and determination. The popular saying goes that 'if you do not dream, you will eventually work for someone who dreams'. Having a dream isn't just basically sleeping and wishing. It is what keeps you awake while everyone is asleep. Growing and nurturing the dream in view of every brickwall is what makes an entrepreneur. Once the idea has been conceptualized, the next thing required is to develop a step-by-step plan in actualizing the dream. Thank God we have internet available all around the country, and google isn't keeping malice with anyone. There are tons of information available on the internet. Whatever business idea you might have, take a little bit of time to research on the internet. Its challenges, profitability, financial implication and even examples of people who have been in the business and have made considerable impact in it. If what you see does not encourage you, it is better to back out before
becoming a failure. Research isn't just about sitting behind the system and reading about it, it involves going for a course to understudy the idea. Having a form of internship or picking a mentor in the field will also go a long way in actualizing your dream. There are a lot of vocational centres across the country for those having the business ideas in fashion, baking, computer engineering and website development, e.t.c. If your idea is of a more complex nature, thorough research will be a plus. There is no knowledge as helpful as the knowledge gained on the field hence, the need to have good experience in whatever venture. After all research is done, test the waters with your services and possibly, execute your projects as the cheapest available in the industry. The standard you project will go a long way in categorizing you amongst either the best, average or worst.
The government should really look at entrepreneurship as a means of creating jobs for the teeming youthful population. Not just in the creation of those jobs but also, proper verification as well as provision of enabling environment. Thank God that electricity has gradually improved since the take-over of President MuhammaduBuhari. While some individuals might be interested in being business owners, capital is one of the major drawbacks affecting many local businesses. During the previous administration by President Goodluck Jonathan, a scheme called YouWin was established to provide capital for would-be entrepreneurs. This really worked as lots of business ideas were birthed. Making this YouWin project a continuous one will go a long way in assisting these young ones in balancing their foot. There are some industries that are over-saturated while some are really in need of intellectuals to grow. While most graduates feel that agriculture is demeaning
and degrading, they overlook the business part of that industry, forgetting that a commodity that never goes out of fashion is a commodity that is required for the daily living of humans.
Also, entrepreneurship should be included in the curriculum of university students, irrespective of the course of study. We are in a society that everyone hustles for available jobs irrespective of the course of study. That is why we have Geologists working in Audit firms, Engineers working as teachers in primary schools and Biochemists as bankers.Our society is one that allows an individual employment as long as he passes the aptitude test. Corporate organisations should also step-up their CSR not just by maintaining and gardening round-abouts, but invest in human capacity building, especially the youth.
Lastly, a country that engages its youths will not only clear out idle hands, but will also increase its revenue when these ones start to pay tax and employ people to grow their brands. The government should put special attention to the youth and entrepreneurship/ mentoring. If this is in place, a new set of billionaires will be groomed and in another 10 years, we will be glad we conceptualized such idea."
Sunday, August 23, 2015
3 Crucial Things To Consider Before You Quit Your Job
A Well Written Plan
Have a good business plan before you send in that resignation letter. Having a business idea in your head is not enough,you need more than that. It has tȍ be written down. If you cannot do this ask people tȍ help you out. A sound plan will safe you from regrettable decisions and you may discover that the money you need is more than the start-up fund you envisaged.
Funding is important tȍ the survival of any business and more important tȍ the continuity of a new business. Either you fund it yourself or you get people tȍ do it. Carry out a business feasibility study before you launch out. Figure this out before you resign.
Emergency Fund
No more reliance on steady streams of income once you quit your job. But the bills needed tȍ be taken care of. It usually takes time maybe months or years in some cases before most self-owned businesses generate income and even when they do, you have tȍ put the money back into the business tȍ make it grow and expand. Set aside an emergency fund tȍ cater for emergency expenses for at least few months to a year.
If you consider and reflect on the above points then,you will know what you are in for, before you resign. Drop your comment(s),I want tȍ know how you feel about going solo.
Friday, August 21, 2015
@Opeace Adepeju Cares, HBD kabba mama LLNP.
@He2nu, Apy birthday 2 ma kabba mama,wullnp ijn amen.
@Nwadi Moses, Happy Birthday my Nccf Kabba Mama a.k.a My Rossy. May the Lord make this day a Great one for u. May the Lord grant u ur Heart desire, Favour u in everything u do, Protect and Guide you always, you will live to see ur fourth Generations, happiness all the time, unstoppable Joy all the way, you shall be Great and be useful in our Society, and you shall Prosper in Jesus Name. Amen. I Love you.
@Hemily, Happy Birthday Ma!
@bootojam, U will be continually relevant in ur generation. Happy birthday OTON ROSE. LLNP.
@John Obinna, Happy birthday my great kabba mama...infact I must tell the whole world that your meals are getting handsomer by the day...lemme tell the whole world that I LOVE YOU...
@Patience, Happy birthday to d best kabba mama ever. Wish yu success, Longlife, prosperity and gudhealth.
@Oreoluwa, Happy born day my sweet mummy,more of God's'blessing.
@contact m 4 ur event cake, Happy birthday to my Rozzey Rozzey (My Rosess)... I wish u long life and prosperity... The little time I spent wit u was very fun...honestly I miss u so much and I love u plenty...
@Patoskky, Kabba Mumsy wey no get rival. The one and only wife of kabba papa. May God almighty grant u longlife, and prosperity IJN.
@Dr Omoobajesu, My Baby I did the little I could do, thank God for these testimonies u are doing more cos it is said in the bible that d glory of the latter house shall surely be greater Dan the former and ur baby too will do more..u make me happy and I thank God for u as u are stepping into new year may God make u happy all the days of ur life He will make u a source of joy to ur loved ones and family in Jesus name.Greater u I pray.
@Dr Adray, Nice & caring, hospitable & accomodating. Good cook, excellent hair maker & wonderful Zobo manufacturer. She always insisted I eat, any evening that I was in d house,
Happy bday Mama Rose, wishing u Long life & prosperity.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
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Monday, August 17, 2015
Your Dressing Introduces You.
The way you dress attracts or repel people. I do respect a well-dressed man more than a sloppy dressed man.Some people even prefer τ̲̅ȍ talk or sit with a person that dress nicely.Dressing well shows that you respect and care enough about yourself τ̲̅ȍ put in a little time and effort on your outfit.
People dress for different reasons.Some try τ̲̅ȍ emulate their celebrity role models - music stars,sport stars,famous media personalities,favourite actors and actresses.
For some its culture that dictates or influences their dressing.
Weather condition also contributes τ̲̅ȍ it.In hot weather,light cloths are common while during cold season heavy or thick attires are homely.
But there are some situations whereby you put on thick cloths or suit be it hot or cold weather,like when going for an interview or when working in some organisations.
Whatever influences your style should be for positive purposes.Some dressings project good image while some gives bad image.When you dress well you feel you are in control,you exude confidence,you feel powerful and sometimes sexy.Remember the way you dress is the way you will be addressed.
By Primo.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Don't get mad,things may be hard right now,Don't lose yourself. God doesn't make any lock without a key,likewise he doesn't give us any problem without a solution.
Get up,Stop crying,when life gives you many reasons τ̲̅ȍ cry,show life you have a million reasons τ̲̅ȍ smile.
Sales may be slow and make you not τ̲̅ȍ glow. Maybe you are wondering how τ̲̅ȍ live up τ̲̅ȍ their expectations in order τ̲̅ȍ gain their admiration,pacing back and forth contemplating. Let me tell you,what you are facing is just a test and you will testify.
You think your situation is completely hopeless. Be happy,things will change for better. Are you being oppressed?,don't be depressed,everything will be alright.
Are you in pain and it seems there is no way out? Are you feeling helpless,hopeless and worthless τ̲̅ȍ change your situations?. Just know that a bend in the road is definitely not the end of the road.
Are you unemployed? and its making your life feel as if its void of purpose. Remember God will not give you anything you can't handle.
Be positive,everything will be alright. Are you struggling with your relationship? Just know that God brings men into deep waters not τ̲̅ȍ kill or drown them but τ̲̅ȍ cleanse them.
Are you in a financial mess and its taking its toll on your health? Calm down,think straight. In the end everything will be okay. If its not okay,its not yet the end.
By Primo.
Don't run away,Don't get carried away,Don't go a day without showing appreciation.
Don't get mad,things may be hard right now,Don't lose yourself. God doesn't make any lock without a key,likewise he doesn't give us any problem without a solution.
Get up,Stop crying,when life gives you many reasons τ̲̅ȍ cry,show life you have a million reasons τ̲̅ȍ smile.
Sales may be slow and make you not τ̲̅ȍ glow. Maybe you are wondering how τ̲̅ȍ live up τ̲̅ȍ their expectations in order τ̲̅ȍ gain their admiration,pacing back and forth contemplating. Let me tell you,what you are facing is just a test and you will testify.
You think your situation is completely hopeless. Be happy,things will change for better. Are you being oppressed?,don't be depressed,everything will be alright.
Are you in pain and it seems there is no way out? Are you feeling helpless,hopeless and worthless τ̲̅ȍ change your situations?. Just know that a bend in the road is definitely not the end of the road.
Are you unemployed? and its making your life feel as if its void of purpose. Remember God will not give you anything you can't handle.
Be positive,everything will be alright. Are you struggling with your relationship? Just know that God brings men into deep waters not τ̲̅ȍ kill or drown them but τ̲̅ȍ cleanse them.
Are you in a financial mess and its taking its toll on your health? Calm down,think straight. In the end everything will be okay. If its not okay,its not yet the end.
By Primo.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
My Mother My Everything

Saturday, August 1, 2015
Campus Relationship: Couple in school,Single at home.
Forgetting that someone somewhere is working tirelessly for them τ̲̅ȍ
have a solid future. They live like there is no tomorrow. A yoruba
Proverb says "Igbeyin ni dun oloku ada" meaning,What is worth doing at
alll is worth doing well.
Misplaced priority is a big problem. Some fine ladies will leave their
homes,deceive parents that they are going back τ̲̅ȍ school or
resuming school. They
will collect money, for this handout,money for that textbook, from
their Uncle's,Aunt's and Parents only for them τ̲̅ȍ land in their
boyfriend's apartments.I pity them "Ola ni won a mo pe Satide ki shey
igbeyin Ose" meaning They will be
shocked at the end of the whole thing.
If you ask them,they will tell you they are engaged τ̲̅ȍ him.
Performing the role of house wife when the so-called
fiance is yet τ̲̅ȍ know their parent or pay their bride price. Let ♏me
shock you,most of these relationships end at the school gate. You
should ask yourself are you doing it for the money or for the
pleasure? The holy book
says "you shall know the truth and it shall set you free". Listen τ̲̅ȍ
voice. "Oro abo laso fun omoluabi, t'oba de inu e a di odidi"
meaning you only heed τ̲̅ȍ tell a person with good character
half/portion of what you want τ̲̅ȍ say;the discernment that
accompanies good character will ensure that this person gets the full
import of your statement.
Perhaps,you should do self examination and ask yourself these
questions,be sincere:
Where is this relationship taking me to?
» Why am I in school? »
Is this relationship contributing τ̲̅ȍ ♏your life positively?
» Am I not sacrificing too much for this
Hooking up or camping with someone that doesn't have a future plan
for himself or herself is a huge waste of time.
Mo wi temi oº°,Alagemo ti bi ♏o e naa,ai mojo wa ku sowo e" meaning
I have given you what I have,what you make of it is
up τ̲̅ȍ you.
Thank you!
Friday, July 31, 2015
Not Just A Reunion
more people coming together again after a period of separation".
Its a
time τ̲̅ȍ rejoice,τ̲̅ȍ laugh,τ̲̅ȍ play,τ̲̅ȍ gist,τ̲̅ȍ take
pictures,τ̲̅ȍ dance,τ̲̅ȍ eat,τ̲̅ȍ praise God,τ̲̅ȍ share
experiences,τ̲̅ȍ exchange contacts,τ̲̅ȍ encourage ourselves
spiritually and τ̲̅ȍ pray together.
It will be a thing of Joy τ̲̅ȍ see all our wonderful Sisters' and
handsome Brothers' again...oh what of our Gs'? Can't wait τ̲̅ȍ see
Not Just A Reunion but a big,great and a
special one. A day everyone will put on their best. I can hear
melodious songs from the choir,Drama unit will not be left behind.
Everybody will be on their toes τ̲̅ȍ worship God;the king of
Kings,Alpha and Omega,the beginning and the end.
Wow,its going τ̲̅ȍ be
tremendous and erm are free τ̲̅ȍ add τ̲̅ȍ it.
Τ̲̅ȍ the Gs' that
will be coming from far and near,may God grant you journey mercy. We
want you τ̲̅ȍ know that we love you and there is nothing you can do
about it.
somebody help ♏e knot ♏y tie? Help a brother now...Lool.
Thank You.