Wednesday, August 5, 2015
My Mother My Everything
IYA MI (My Mother),I just wish and hope you will come across this post one day. I cannot fully say how much I love you,am short of words τ̲̅ȍ express it. I remember those years when Dad would not be around and you will still combine taking care of ♏e and ♏y brothers with your job.
You are ♏y everything,♏y light,♏y hero,♏y best friend,A shoulder τ̲̅ȍ lean on,♏y shopping partner - I will never forget when we used τ̲̅ȍ go for shopping moving from one place τ̲̅ȍ the other( wonderful years!!!). My mother is not just another woman. She is extraordinary.
Thanks a million. I can never thank you enough.
"I never thank you enough for listening τ̲̅ȍ ♏e. I never thank you enough for protecting ♏e from the things I should not do.
I never thank you enough for guiding ♏e in the right direction.
I never thank you enough for putting up with ♏y mood swings and arrogance. I never thank you enough for without a doubt being there for ♏e.
I never tell you enough, How much I love you mum.
You mean the world τ̲̅ȍ ♏e,but I don't tell you enough. But no matter what, I always will love you mum,no matter how much we argue,or how much you make ♏e angry,I will love you till the day I die" - Unknown.
Back in the days,when I was younger (around 4 or 5 years old). I was on the school field playing with a friend,one day. Accidentally, he hit ♏e in the face with the swing we were playing with and got ♏y tooth knocked-off. I recall vividly what She (♏y mother) did the following day. She followed ♏e τ̲̅ȍ School τ̲̅ȍ know who did that τ̲̅ȍ her boy.
Infact I tried τ̲̅ȍ cover up for ♏y friend by convincing ♏y mum not τ̲̅ȍ follow ♏e τ̲̅ȍ school that everything will be alright but she refused. Maami make sure nothing of such happened again.
There is an old song,it's a Yoruba ode τ̲̅ȍ motherhood. It goes like this;
"Iya ni wura iyebiye, Iya ko se fowo ra,
O loyun mi fosu mesan, O pon mi fodun meta,
Iya ni wura iye biye, Iya kose fowo ra".
Here is the translation/lyrics in English:
Mother you are a precious gem that money cannot buy, You carried ♏e in your womb for nine months and nursed ♏e for three years. Thank God for giving ♏e this wonderful Angel.
Abraham Lincoln said and I quote " I remember ♏y Mother's prayers and they have always followed ♏e. They have clung τ̲̅ȍ ♏e all ♏y life".
Maami,your prayers are still making ways for ♏e. God will continue τ̲̅ȍ strenghten and bless you abundantly.
"Who sat and watched ♏y infant head,
When sleeping on ♏y cradle bed,
and tears of sweet affection shed.
When pain and sickness made ♏e cry,
who gazed upon ♏y heavy eyes, And
wept for fear that I should die. MY MOTHER".
By Primo_Ent.

love. Thank God,
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